April News from Joe Lambert Mastering

What's New at JLM | Posted On: 04.30.15

April 29, 2015

Spring is getting off to a great start at Joe Lambert Mastering, and the key word this season is “NEW“. We’ve got a great new studio in an amazing new neighborhood, and new businesses seem to pop up constantly around our new home right outside the Grove Street PATH station of “New York’s 6th Borough,”  Jersey City.

So far, we’ve been amazed by how easy it has been for our clients to get to the new studio for attended sessions. To be honest, we were nervous at first. But so many of our regulars are saying the trip to JC has been as easy—or even easier—than the trek out to DUMBO.

We hope to see you at the studio sometime soon! The space is bigger and better than ever, and we’ve never been surrounded by so much great food and such great culture. Drop us a line anytime! We love to see your face.

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